Autumn Story

If feels like everyone has a favorite season. A time of year that seems to suit their particular personality the best. While living in L.A. is fabulous, growing up Canadian tends to bring out the nostalgia for Winter in me. Memories of snow ball fights, building snow forts and snowmen is something that brings a smile when I think of Winter. (One tends to forget and forgive the rest of the season when it’s almost too cold to walk a block and so messy that you need a mudroom!) My daughter seems to love all the seasons. She thrives in Summer with swimming & playing on the beach, she loves Spring with all the fresh flowers in bloom and she adores snow, wishing we could visit Canada for the entire Winter season! But Autumn seems to be her favorite Season of all (and that, coming from a born & bred Californian!) She anxiously awaits each year for the tree in front of our house to turn red. Usually this happens more into Winter than Fall but in Los Angeles, there isn’t a huge difference. One day we will venture to Canada for her to really experience how beautiful a Fall day can be and how pictures really can’t do justice in showcasing the truly vibrant & breathtaking colors of nature.

In her enthusiasm towards this particular season, she asked if she could contribute to The Poetry of Living, in her own words, as to what Autumn means to her.  The following is her interpretation of what the colors represent in Fall…


By Jadyn Norris Sarno (11 yrs.)

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. The thing that stands out the most, I think, are the colors. Autumn has a lifetime of bright colors. It’s fun to see how the trees change into a forest of red, orange, yellow and brown. The trees have a certain joy in Autumn, bringing out the meaning. They tell everyone: “…Okay, look at the trees how they are now orange. That means let’s get orange pumpkins! Oh, and the red! I must get apples to make into treats. Yellow! Why, corn must be bought for decorations!” The colors express what Autumn is and often people don’t realize the trees are telling them what they need to make more of it stand out.

Orange makes the pumpkins come in Autumn. You go to a nice pumpkin patch with your kids and they pick out the biggest pumpkin to carve. When we see scarecrows it also reminds us of Autumn. Many things make their point for different seasons. Red means apples. Of course apples are a part of Autumn! Most of them grow during this season…to make apple pie and apple cider! Yellow reminds us of corn. In this season red and orange corn can be used for Autumn decorations. Brown means acorns. Acorns are part of this season too because this is when they mostly fall. But the main thing about Autumn are the leaves. How they fall from the trees, covering the grass in red and orange.

In Canada the parks are amazing (according to my Mom). Colors are everywhere. In different places across the U.S. and in other continents, Autumn leaves are marvelous! Happy moments for me are playing in the leaves. I had the time of my life in the leaves with my little cousin. For a two year old, the thing that stands out in a pile of leaves is rolling in them. It was so fun. We would make tons of leaf piles and roll around in them. Autumn is time for fun in the leaves! Not many other seasons have that. Different seasons have different meanings. In Winter, it’s the snow: Christmas trees and Christmas treats.  In Spring, flowers bloom so it’s a field of wonderful smells. During Summer, the hottest time of year, it’s about the beach and parties. In Autumn, pumpkin carving, changing trees, and apples. All the seasons have a meaning, but I think Autumn is the most fabulous.

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  • Barbara Norris says:

    Hi Jadyn,
    Very well done Sweetie! Great addition to your Mom’s blog.
    Love, Nannie xo

  • Lydia Sarno says:


    What a wonderful entry! I really enjoyed reading this. All the seasons hold their own beauty, but I have to admit, Fall is one I do seem to favor and you captured it wonderfully.

    Kelly, I love all your entries. Interesting, inspiring – every single one. Devin, thanks to you as well for all your contributions. You are a formidable bunch!

    With love and appreciation,


  • Kim says:

    Very well spoken of fall, it has always been my favorite season too!! As kids we would go out to our lake lot in the fall and the hustle and bustle of summer campers at the local campground would be gone…so peaceful, quiet. The kids would start school and I would sit on the deck enjoying what we consider Indian Summer in Canada, probably fall weather for you LOL…and just enjoy no more hornets or bugs, the beautiful colors, and how quiet and peaceful it can be before “Old Man Winter” slams down on us for 6 months of white!! Enjoy your stunning colors of the leaves and the calming feeling fall brings!

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